Trophy Wife
Looking Goooood for Your Man
Looking Goooood for Your Man
We all know that most of us are not like those wives and mothers on TV. I cannot think of one real-life mom I know that spends her days wearing 4 inch heels with her hair done perfectly while chasing after a toddler. Ha! I'm lucky to get a shower on some days and most days I'm running around trying to keep the house somewhat livable while cleaning up little man's latest disaster, attempting to get some work done, cooking, cleaning, and just trying to stay awake long enough to get something done while wearing t-shirts, old jeans, and flip flops. There are days I don't even get out of my yoga pants and tank top until noon. My hair is usually pulled back in a ponytail and I wear makeup only on rare occasions.
I wasn't always like this. I used to have a closet full of nice clothes and shoes (including heels) and a bathroom full of hair products and makeup. I don't think my husband ever saw me without makeup while we were dating and probably not within those first few months of marriage either. Then, once again, life happened and we became busy and fell into a comfortable routine. Once little man came along, I just didn't have time to get all dressed up everyday.
I actually started this project a few days after I received The Husband Project. I have been in a rut for way too long and this was the kick I needed. I asked hubby to honestly tell me which clothes of mine that he liked and which ones he didn't. I went through my closet and got rid of the clothes that didn't fit me right or I knew were ugly on me and then I went shopping. Now, I'm not telling you to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe. I just got a few pieces that I knew looked good on me and that I could interchange with other pieces to make new outfits.
You know what? Since starting this project, my husband has been complementing me more than he has in a long time, and I feel better about myself. This was definitely a little boost to my ego! Sure, I still have my 'cleaning clothes' - the old, worn out jeans and t-shirts. But, when I leave the house and when hubby comes home, my hair's not always in a ponytail, I have nice clothes on, and I'm wearing makeup. I feel like this project allowed me to bring a little bit of 'me' back into our marriage.
How did yesterday's project go? My hubby was thrilled when I offered to scratch his back, but I still think he's a little leery of all of this. I'm not sure, but I think he was checking his food for poison the other day. ;)
We are starting Week 2 tomorrow! Have you noticed any change yet? Has your husband noticed anything?
Tomorrow's project is: Location, location, location - A Special Treat in a Special Place.
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