Monday, December 27, 2010

What I Learned in 2010...

  • There are no vacation days or sick leave for WAHMs...
  • When working from home, you will be on call 24/7. Whether it's your business or your family, you will be needed at all times of the day and you must set priorities...
  • I don't have to do it all...
  • It's a wonderful feeling to take a break from working because your child wants you to read a book to him...
  • Sesame Street is a sanity saver. Letting my child watch a little bit of TV every day will not turn his brain into mush...
  • No matter what all those organizing experts say, there is no way I can get up at 5-6am everyday, take a shower, exercise, do some cleaning, and have breakfast ready before my child wakes up in the morning...
  • It's okay to stay in my yoga pants/sweats until the afternoon every once in a while. There are some days I'm lucky that I get to brush my teeth, let alone take an actual shower...
  • It will be many, many years before our house is completely clean again...
  • I need to spend more time with my friends...
  • Facebook and technology can be addicting and there is nothing wrong with going 'off the grid' every now and then. Life will go on even if you can't update your status...
  • Sometimes, caffeine and chocolate really do make everything better...
  • Those developmental milestone charts are not all they're cracked up to be. Every child develops differently...
  • The best conversations are those had with a toddler...
  • Everyday really is a blessing...


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